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05 Sep - 10 Dec 2018



Songs For The World

Curator: Wojtek Piotr Onak

Songs For The World is presented throughout three floors of Stary Browar Art Gallery and introduces varying concepts of LaChapelle’s diverse oeuvres—from portraitures to still lifes, landscapes and hyper-realistic to surrealistic settings, with satirical and ingenious narratives.

Themes of environment, consumer culture and celebrity idolization are traversed before an antidotal new world of spiritual and metaphysical paradise replies in this exciting and dramatic exhibition.

LaChapelle: Songs For The World is curated by Wojciech Piotr Onak and offers the premiere of LaChapelle’s newest photographs as well as classic pictures made at the beginning of his career. Highlights will include American Jesus: Hold Me, Carry Me Boldly (2009) featuring Michael Jackson, The Rape of Africa (2009) featuring Naomi Campbell, and the controversial Seismic Shift (2012) which turns a mirror

on to the area of the art world driven by commodity.

While presenting his photography in New York galleries during the late 1980s, 17-year-old LaChapelle was offered his first job by Andy Warhol to shoot for Interview Magazine, which led to international notoriety. By 1991, The New York Times predicted “LaChapelle is certain to influence the work of a new the same way that Mr. Avedon pioneered so much of what is familiar today.”

Over the past 30 years, LaChapelle’s prolific body of work has expanded the genre of image making and established the photographer as a fixture in contemporary art. His portrait, stage and film works have become iconic archetypes of America in the 21st Century.

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